165 Boston Post Road, Old Saybrook, CT 06475
Basic Shamanic Journeying
Two Day Workshop
AUGUST 15-16
will be held outdoors
Class size is limited
8:30 - 4pm both days
$200 per person
Shamanism is a path of Self Empowerment by learning through direct revelation with spirit. Trust what you experience directly - no middle man involved to tell you what your truth is. Shamanic journeying is the most direct route to taking control of your own spirituality. It is the safest tool for connecting with spirit in that it creates a tether for you to go out safely to seek answers while being 1) guided by a known guide and 2) being grounded, the most important skill to learn in the healing arts.
We each have a personal, direct connection to spirit but may not know how to access it. Reawaken your ancient memories of accessing the world on non-ordinary reality in this intensive and totally engaging (and fun) workshop where you'll meet your personal power animal and some of your other guides. Learn how to journey shamanically with them when you are soul searching. What are your special healing gifts? What are you here to learn?
Topics include:
- Basic Shamanic Journeying
- Traversing the three worlds of the Shaman - Upper, Lower and Middle
- Meet: your Power Animal
- your Middle World Helper
- your Upper World Helper
- your helpers in the North, East, South and West
- Bringing an idea into fruition and taking it through all the stages of manifestation.
- Healing on behalf of others and yourself
- Safely connect with and seek answers from the world of spirit
- Gain control over your connection with spirit and your spirituality
- Learn to safely traverse the different worlds (the dimensions of the mind) at will to access knowledge, awareness, and insight
- Grounding, what it means and how to keep it
- Creating your container from which you will do your other work
-Integrating shamanism into your other work, ex. Reiki
Join us for this two-day weekend event and create a foundation from which all of your modalities can grow from.
Fee $200 Includes all class materials. Register by filling out the form at the right and you will be sent a PayPal invoice or can send a check. Payment secures your space.
Class size is limited.
This gives ample time for students to share and process and helps create a stronger bond between students. The cumulative energy is greater and helps increase each other's experience.

Upcoming Online Classes
Freeing the Ancestors and Others
Healing the Ancestral Line
Shamanic Journeying - will begin late August or early September