165 Boston Post Road, Old Saybrook, CT 06475

Healing Inter-generational Trauma
for the Ancestors and Others
Healing Earthbound Spirits: A Comprehensive Guide to Psychopomp and Extraction
Helping those stuck between the worlds
Even the dead need therapy. Unresolved issues prior to death can keep spirits earthbound, affecting the living. These spirits, often referred to as ghosts, linger on the earthly plane, seeking assistance to cross over.
Understanding Spirits and Shamanistic Practices
Spirits are all around us. In Shamanism, the process of helping spirits transition is known as Psychopomp and Extraction. This practice may also involve Soul Retrieval. Ghost hunting and mediumship are just the beginning; this work focuses on healing the reasons spirits remain earthbound and assisting their transition to the next plane. This compassionate act addresses both psychological and physical impacts on the living caused by these spirits.
Class Structure and Learning Objectives
The class is divided into two parts:
Part I: Working with spirits of the Ancestors - our relatives
Part II: Working with spirits who are not related to us
Each part addresses different methods of engagement but shares the common goal of healing and transition. Participants will learn about soul loss, soul fragmentation, and the role trauma plays in the creation of ghosts and earthbound spirits as well as what needs to happen in order to help them move forward.
Healing Inter-generational Trauma
This work significantly shifts and heals inter-generational trauma. By lovingly helping spirits of ancestors cross over, family patterns affecting the living can be released. Ancestors, although well-meaning, often bring their unresolved issues, influencing their descendants.
Healing Soul Attachments to People and Place
Working with those who are not our relatives is not much different. They're just not related to us.
Practical Application and Client Work
Participants will engage in practical demonstrations and supervised pair work to learn how to:
Recognize the symptoms that are present when someone is affected by spirits
Help spirits lovingly and compassionately disengage from clients and the earthly plane
This therapeutic approach helps heal both the living and the dead, promoting holistic well-being.
Join us to learn and practice these transformative techniques, and make a profound difference in the lives of both your clients and their ancestral spirits.
This workshop takes you to new depths in the world of spirit influence on the living - both Ancestral (those who are related to us) and the Others (those who are not). Be ready for a life-changing experience!
Freeing the Ancestors and others teaches a loving way to help those who have remained earthbound and are "trapped" to experience compassionate healing and a return to their loved ones for reintegration and healing.
Finding spirits is the work of some, but helping to heal them is an act of great service. It will shift them, those around them, those in their families and the land or buildings they have been stuck that leaves all feeling much “lighter” afterward and able to move forward.
Basic Shamanic Journeying. It gives you a much greater understanding and working knowledge of the material we'll be covering.
Learn how to work with clients in a dynamic and therapeutic way to lift the influence of the ancestors and Others. At the same time, you will deepen your own spiritual connection and experience your own healing through helping to release the influence of the ancestors in your own life and in the lives of your family lineage.
This class is open to and relevant to those in the healing fields who would like to work with clients or spirits in a therapeutic manner.
You will learn:
How to identify when Ancestral influence is present
How the ancestors work through the living.
The role trauma and emotional, spiritual, physical and mental wounds play in soul fragmentation
What soul fragmentation is and how it happens
How to heal and reintegrate soul fragments
How to safely, lovingly and compassionately help them cross over
How to safely, lovingly and compassionately resolve long held issues that keep them earthbound
How to lovingly help them leave the client
In addition, you will receive at least one session from Patty by way of class demonstration (value $325)
"I recently completed "Freeing the Ancestors and Others" workshop series with Patty and cannot say enough about it. Over years of learning about energy and spiritual healing, there are some courses that have led to a profound paradigm shift in my work and life. This is one such course. It was both powerfully healing and incredibly illuminating experience for me, and it has also been very healing for my family. This can be sensitive work, and I am forever grateful to have found a trustworthy, safe practitioner and teacher in Patty."
Elizabeth Z.
Weekend 1 - Freeing and Healing the Ancestors
On the first weekend we will work with the Ancestors. Ancestors want their stories known. They want their descendants to know of their struggles and what happened to them. Some are happy and some are unhappy. Some have stayed with one of their descendants. When they do, they bring along "unplanned issues." They want to move on and they want you to help them! They want you to hear their story and resolve any conflict that has kept them with the living. Help guide them into the Light.
Weekend 2 - Freeing and Healing the Others
On the second weekend we will work with everyone who isn't an ancestor. The skills are similar to working with Ancestors but with some added twists. Most of all, the non-ancestors are in need of a tremendous amount of deep compassion.
Students often find this the most profound of all of the healing experiences because it takes them to a new depth of compassion as well as love. It also helps confirm for them why their path as a healer is so important in the larger scheme of things...and we are ALL healers, are we not?
Program Outline
Weekend 1
Saturday - Day 1
Opening sacred space
Understanding the premise of working with the Ancestors and Others
how to identify them
how they attach to family members
how to talk to both the unhappy and happy ancestors
assessing what their needs are and how to resolve them
how to help them "cross over" into the Light
Soul Retrieval - Understanding soul fragmentation,
what it is, how it happens, and how to reintegrate it
Guided meditation to access Ancestors
Demonstrations with class attendees
Group discussion
Closing Sacred Space
Sunday - Day 2
Open sacred space
Thoughts and sharing from previous day
Further discussion of techniques and objectives with
regard to working with Ancestors
Demonstrations with Class Attendees
Pair Work
Group Discussion
Closing Sacred Space
Weekend 2
Saturday - Day 3
Open Sacred Space
Thoughts and Sharing from previous week
Understanding the premise of working with
non-Ancestral influences
Learning to identify non-ancestral influences
Scanning the body to identify
Demonstrations with class attendees
Pair work
Group discussion
Closing Sacred Space
Sunday - Day 4
Open Sacred Space
Thoughts and sharing from previous day
Further discussion of techniques and objectives
Pair Work
Closing Sacred Space
Optional: supervised group online Practice Sessions

Preparing for the Class
Basic Shamanic Journeying is highly recommended, but not required. Journeying gives you a greater understanding of what we are talking about when we discuss movement of the soul between different worlds and planes of existence. Journeying also grounds you and gives you a container within which to do this work safely with awareness and deliberation. In addition journeying teaches you how to safely access happy and healthy spirit guides and helpers. If you can't do it prior to the class, you are urged to pick it up after the class. It will make a lot of things make more sense
Create a rough Family Tree
Prior to the class, find out a bit about your own ancestors and prepare a rough family tree with parents, grand parents, aunts, uncles, siblings, great grandparents.
We'll be discussing what to do with this family tree on the Group Call prior to the workshop. We'll be marking this up so use a good size paper (11x14 or larger) so you will have room to write next to each name.
The Altar:
You can bring any items you'd like to add to our Ancestral Altar, photos, keepsakes, jewelry, any such items that may have come down through the family line.
Supervised Practice Days and Mentoring
Because this work requires a high level of skill and experience prior to working with clients, supervised practice sessions will be offered via Zoom.
Students are also encouraged to practice with each other outside of class and do trade sessions either in person or on Zoom. Students will be asked to report on 4 or 5 sessions so we can discuss techniques used and sticking points. A lot of the learning comes from trial and error, so the calls become a huge part of the learning curve.
In addition, private mentoring is also available.