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Welcome to the Conn Center for Past Life Regression. Our center is dedicated to helping individuals explore their past lives and gain a deeper understanding of their soul's journey. Our team of experienced healers is passionate about guiding others on their spiritual path. Whether you are curious about your past lives or seeking healing and transformation, we are here to support you. Our workshops, such as the drum making and rattle making workshops, provide a unique opportunity to connect with ancient traditions and tap into your creative energy. Join us for a one day workshop and discover the power of past life regression. No prior experience is necessary, but a basic shamanic journeying pre-requisite is recommended. Experience the transformative power of past life regression and embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Click below to learn more.

     Even the dead need therapy. Issues left unresolved prior to death linger and can keep a part of the spirit earthbound and affecting the living.

Spirits are all around us.  We think of them as ghosts.  There are those that live on the earthly plane that just need help crossing over.  
    In Shamanism, this would be called Psychopomp and Extraction. Sometimes this process includes Soul Retrieval.

     Finding spirits, ghost hunting, mediumship, etc, are only part of the picture. That is "contact."  In this work, you'll learn how to heal the reason they are still on this earthly plane and help them cross over to the next. It is an act of compassion.  It is also possible!  Earthbound spirits affect the living psychologically as well as physically. 

       In this class, you'll learn about soul loss and soul fragmentation and the role trauma plays. In other words, "How do they become a ghost?"

        Part 1 of this class works with spirits who are our relatives. Part II works with those who are not related to us.  That's the only difference.  But each is worked with differently. 

     Inter-generational trauma can greatly be shifted and healed using this work.  Help release family patterns that affect the living by helping those who have passed on.  Ancestors often want to "help" their descendants but end up bringing their baggage with them and continue to influence the living.   

      Learn to work with clients and family members in a therapeutic setting through demonstrations using attendees and through supervised pair work.

      Topics include how to recognize someone who is affected by those in the unseen world as well as how to lovingly and compassionately help them disengage from the client and the earthly plane.

Usui Reiki Master Level - Reiki III

In Usui Reiki, the Reiki Master level is the Teaching Level.  This course builds on Reiki I and Reiki II and brings the student into a place of commitment to follow the Path of Healer and Teacher.   At the Master Level, the student learns to teach other students Usui Reiki, which  includes learning to do attunements and teaching a student how to do a Reiki healing session. Some of the Reiki Master Class, such as homework and feedback can be done remotely. 



  • 4 Classes - each requiring homework

  • 2 Reiki Master Attunements

  • Reiki session practice with teacher and clients with feedback

  • Receiving all materials to teach Reiki I, II, Reiki Master program

  • Reporting observations on effectiveness and change throughout the Reiki Master program.     


Drum and Rattle Making Workshop 

Coming Summer 2021

10am - 6pm

 Go to the Drum Making Workshop page for more information and fees.


Creating your own drum is something that is done in sacred space with the intent to create your connection between the worlds. It is the instrument of travel for the shaman for healing on behalf of themselves or for others. The drum shifts consciousness and moves energy.

In shamanism, the beat of 240-280 beats per minute shifts the consciousness of the journeyer putting them in a trance state to access another reality. In addition, drumming is known to have healing properties. Sound moves energy, accelerates physical healing and boosts the immune system.  It reduces tension, anxiety and stress and creates a deep relaxed state.

Anyone called to this work remembers on some level a lifetime where they have been so connected to the land in the way we work in the Shamanic Journey Workshop. It is innate. What we don't always remember is who we were or when we were or where we were.  That is easily found by doing a past life regression. 

But it also emerges as a memory during this workshop.  The body remembers...the soul remembers...the heart remembers and it longs to embrace what has been calling them for lifetimes.

This workshop included four journeys including a journey to the tree whose wood creates the Circle for your drum and to the animal whose skin will send out your healing voice to the universe.

And finally we will journey to the ancient time you were a healer. Who were you? What was your purpose? How will you use it in this life?

We will do 4-5 journeys in all.

Ancestral healing from Pat's page


Recognizing attachments--types of ‘spirit’ complexes -- how they attach - contacting the family fields --- tuning into deeper ancestral memory --scanning the subtle body for signs of attachments --how to talk to and help unhappy ancestors - lost souls – sending them “to the light” - causes and cures of soul fragmentation - principles of soul retrieval

Shamanic Journeying Psychopomp

Psychopomp is the process of escorting the spirit of the dead from what was their physical plane of existence to the higher realms of spirit.

Psychopomp can be as simple as literally escorting  them over because they literally can't find their way or it can be a more difficult situation with you having to help them resolve the issues that are keeping them earth bound.  This is where the Healing the Ancestors and others class will be of great service, although not a requirement.

Beginner's Astrology Level II

 Online Zoom Class    7:30-9:30pm

All classes will be recorded for later viewing

11  Weeks - $295

Level II Class Schedule

Week 1 - Brief Intro, Q & A,  the Chart Ruler, Chart as the Map of the Soul

Week 2 - Retrogrades

Week 3 - Transits

Week 4 - Synastry and Composite Charts - Relationship Charts

Week 5 - The Nodes and Pluto - Aries - Libra

Week 6 - The Nodes and Pluto - Taurus - Scorpio

Week 7 -  The Nodes and Pluto - Gemini - Sagittarius

Week 8 - The Nodes and Pluto - Cancer - Capricorn

Week 9 - The Nodes and Pluto - Leo - Aquarius

Week 10 - The Nodes and Pluto - Virgo - Pisces

Week 11 - Flex week in case Transits (and it may) or any other unit takes 2 week

Heal your emotional, mental, spiritual and sometimes even your physical body with past life regression therapy.  It is natural, non-invasive, and will expand your awareness of who you are exponentially. Past Life Regression is a holistic approach to healing the four subtle bodies that are affected when we experience a trauma, shutdown or defeat in life. This defeat keeps repeating itself over and over until it has been brought to our conscious awareness. This can be a current or past life issue.  Our work together is about bringing these bodies into balance by first sorting through what is going on right now in your life, then exploring through our regression that which has been influenced our current life that we seemingly have no control over, and then retrieving parts (soul fragments) of us that have been lost through lifetimes. When we are able to retrieve these pieces (soul retrieval) we experience a greater sense of feeling ALIVE!

Astrology workshop

Do you have a basic knowledge of Astrology and want to learn more?

Learn how to get a "feel" for the archetypes of the planets and signs and what they represent and how they work together in a chart.  By watching others act out your chart in an astrological psychodrama, you'll gain a greater understanding of the myriad of voices the psyche has to balance to get something done and what wants to do work despite those voices.

We'll go through the basics of sign archetypes then learn how to look at a chart and get the information needed so that you can gain greater understanding of your self and others.

Learning to Trust Your IntuitionWorkshop

It's back by popular demand!

Join us for a spiritual play day that not only helps you get back in touch with your intuition, but also brings about profound personal awarenesses and healing!

An activity based workshop where

you'll learn to listen to and

trust your Inner Voice through

all types of  activities to help you

access your wonderful intuitive self! 


Patty Hall, Medium, Soul Healer

Basic Shamanic Journeying

New dates tba - end of August

10 am-6 pm

Beginners Astrology Class

12 WEEKS Live on Zoom

(it will be recorded for those who can't attend live sessions)

How To Read An Astrology Chart

NEW CLASS starting

Wednesdays  Sept 13, 2023

On Zoom     7:30 - 9:30 pm       $295/12 weeks


12 live classes with astrologer Patty Hall will take you from the very beginning of creating a chart, learning about the archetypes of all 12 signs and planets, and then we'll venture into the houses and aspects. The goal is to really get a "feeling" for the signs and planets through film, photos and discussion to create a point of reference for remembering all of them. Gain a working knowledge and understanding of Astrology from the creation of a chart to interpreting it. You'll be taken step by step through the the signs, the planets, the houses and how to decipher what they mean. We'll be using your charts in the class to gain insight into how the planets are working in your life. 



Beginner's Astrology Class Part II

Sept. 12, 2023

Tuesdays  7:30-9:30 p m on Zoom

The Original

Usui Reiki I Certification Class

date tba


Includes a Reiki session

Class size limited to 3

March 20, 2021


A day of journeying into the art of divination. Divination helps us see truths we via the usage of direct awareness or sometimes a tool such as  shamanic journeying, astrology, a tarot deck, tea leaves, crystals, etc.  Bring some of your tools if you'd like to be used in the journeying process.  Some journeys will be your choice and this will give you an opportunity to delve much deeper into your specialty. Each student will divine for the other.The Shamanic HealerA day of journeying and discussion as to the shamanic way of using natural items like crystals, rocks or sticks along with sound for a greater healing experience. Each student will end the day working on the other. This class is especially helpful to anyone who is already working in the healing arts such as using Reiki, crystals, sound, etc.  Learning to become what is called "the hollow bone" is essential in healing work.  Shamanic Reiki IShamanic Reiki II

It creates a container within which you can safely function in when doing your spiritual work.

It is important to learn the rules of working with spirit before venturing into the unseen world as well as finding out who is there for you to work with. Once you discover who your helpers are, you will have "tools" that can be utilized for the purpose of healing either yourself or others. Travel to non-ordinary reality and meet those in the other worlds that have been waiting to teach you and provide answers to your questions.


     Topics include:

- Creating sacred space

- Traveling safely between the worlds

- Traveling to seek answers from the spiritual world

- Gaining control over your connection with spirit.

- How to traverse the different worlds

- Most importantly, how to get and stay grounded.

- You'll learn about the 3 different worlds - upper, lower and middle (levels of the mind),

- The four directions (representing the four bodies, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.)


     Meet your power animal, create a relationship with it, dance it, thank it. From there you'll learn to seek answers to questions you've long held. Gain a greater understanding of who you are, what your gifts are, what you are here to learn. Meet your healing teachers, learn healing techniques they create just for you.


     The safest tool for connecting with spirit is through shamanic journeying. It creates a tether for you to go out safely seek answers while being guided and grounded,the most important skill to learn in the healing arts.


Join us for this two day weekend event and connect in a way you never have before. 

Gong Bath

Gong Bath

Immerse yourself in the healing vibrations of the Sun and sound as you soak up the energy of the longest day of the year and release whatever needs to be let go. Space is limited to 6. Mats are provided. Bring whatever you'd like to be comfortable laying down.



 Usui Reiki II Certification

July 3, 2021

9:00 a.m -6:00 p.m.

Pre-requisite: Usui Reiki I Certification, 21 days of Self Reiki, and homework from Reiki I

Class includes four Reiki II attunements, 5 Supervised Reiki sessions after the class with phone support, supervision and mentoring, in-person Reiki session during the class, in-class instruction of doing Reiki on another student.  How to set up a Reiki table and environment, working with clients. The student may offer Reiki to paying clients once five supervised sessions and homework have been completed.

$275 per person

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