165 Boston Post Road, Old Saybrook, CT 06475
The Original
Usui Reiki Certification Classes
There are several Reiki traditions but the one I teach is called the Usui Reiki method. Reiki is a hands on energy healing modality that consists of a client lying on a Reiki table and being receptive to receive the energy that awaits them. The power of any Reiki session is a combination and coming together of two energies ~ the practitioner's and the client's. Together we will build a healing energy and focus it directly into the four bodies: physical, mental, spiritual, emotional.
Find Your Unique Way of Healing
Each student has something unique to bring to the table.
My goal as a teacher is to help you find what that is and develope it. Resist the urge to compare how you work or sense energy and how someone else does it. Our goal is to bring out of you We want to find out how YOU sense it and work from there.
"I feel like I'm missing something..."
The last couple of years I have been having more and more people coming to me to retake Reiki because they're feeling like they really didn't get out of the class what they thought they should have. They aren't feeling like they're really doing any "healing" or they didn't fully understand what they were supposed to do. They're having a hard time sensing the energy and even knowing what it is they're supposed to be looking for.
This is a matter of education and supervision. Your skills improve with practice and supervision to fine tune and guide.
I have had some call to do the Reiki Master Certification and they've never even HAD a Reiki session!
Usui Reiki I Certification 10am-6pm
Reiki I focuses on you learning how to give yourself Reiki. You will receive four attunements to the symbol of Reiki healing and taught how to do a full body treatment on yourself, send Reiki energy into objects, such as candles, learn to start tuning into your intuition, learn to ground yourself and quiet the mind. This class is thorough and covers a broad spectrum of the skills that are used in Reiki I.
A Certificate for Usui Reiki I will be awarded upon completion.
For those who want to continue on to Reiki II, a small amount of homework is offered. This includes a small bit of writing and doing Self Reiki for 21 days. During this time, your energy and ability to sense energy starts to shift. You'll be asked to make note of what you sense or notice so that you can see your own growth. Mikao Usui, felt this step was necessary to help integrate the work as well as familiarize you with your own body and how you sense energy. This also brings Light into the body and starts to work its healing way immediately, beginning the process of shedding old, worn out thoughts and behavior patterns that no longer serve you and make way for a lighter being ~you. In other words, preparing YOU to GIVE Reiki, which is the purpose of Reiki II.
Each of my Reiki workshops end with the student receiving a Reiki session done by me. This helps the student experience what a session should fee like. This is the best teaching tool. You can learn just as much by being on the table than standing by it.
My Reiki classes are 8 hours and include Reiki Manuals. I do not teach Reiki I and II on back to back days like some of the quicker programs do. I learned Reiki over 20 years ago and at that time Reiki Masters were adhering to the original Usui guidelines, which called for 8 hours of class and 21 days of Self Reiki.
One day 7-8 hours $325
Includes Text books
Usui Reiki II Certification
Usui Reiki II Certification is required for those who want to offer Reiki to others.
This class includes:
2 new sets of Reiki Attunements
Learning how to prepare to give a Reiki session
How to set and open sacred space
How to set up your own Reiki healing space
Choosing a Reiki table
How to do long distance healing
How to do a Reiki session on another person
Receiving another Reiki healing session done by me. You will learn a lot about doing a Reiki session by having a Reiki session.
In Reiki II, Certification is completed once the homework is completed. Three full body sessions and feedback with me are required along with a minimal amount of written work. Each session will have a mentoring session via a phone call, Skype or Facetime to discuss what you did, how the session went, what you noticed, how you handled anything that came up or any other questions that arise as well as suggestions as to what else you might do in the next section. This exchange becomes a huge part of teaching and learning.
Certification will be awarded upon completion of all requirements. Once you are certified you may open up your own Reiki practice and charge for your services.
Includes 8 hours of class time, homework, supervised practice Reiki sessions via phone mentoring.
Reiki II - $325.00
Shamanic Reiki Integration Class
Private class "one on one" by appointment. Just choose a date
This class is open to all graduates of Basic Shamanic Journeying who want to combine what they learned in Reiki I and/or II to help them learn more of an intuitive, Shamanic approach to their Reiki and healing. This class is a private class which includes a deeper understanding of how energy moves as well a focus on more advanced, specialized healing principles that become your own healing style.
This class also helps you learn to integrate other healing modalities or spiritual knowledge into a cohesive healing art form.
We will assess what your healing goals are based on the work you’ve already
done and then work with your 3 world and 4 directional Shamanic helpers to
create a unique healing style of your own.
For example, I’ve had people who are very strong in the use of crystals, or sound healing, one could see x-ray through a body. With the addition of the shamanic journeying, they were able to learn how to integrate them into their Reiki in a much more powerful way than they would have without the knowledge gained through journeying.
You will learn most importantly, how to become the "hollow bone" and learn to “get out of the way” so that spirit can work “through” you, and bring through you that which is uniquely yours - in other words, being the "medium" through which spirit uses to do its healing.
We will be doing several Shamanic Journeys during the day to get direction specifically for you and how you'll be working, including an attunement from one or more of your guides. You will also get a Reiki healing helper, which may or may not be one of the guides you already have.
Pre-requisites: Basic Shamanic Journeying and Reiki I
One day approx. 6 hours
$ 325.00