165 Boston Post Road, Old Saybrook, CT 06475

Extraction, Psychopomp, Soul Retrieval
Freeing and Healing the Ancestors and Others
tba 2025 - Part I Working with Ancestral Spirits
tba 2025 - Part II Working with Non-Ancestors
Learn how to work with clients therapeutically in a dynamic way to lift the influence of the ancestors and earthbound spirits.
This class is open to those in the healing fields such as body workers, coaches, social services, counselors, psychologists, psychics, astrologers, ghost hunters, mediums, Reiki practictioners, ministry, etc.
This workshop takes you to new depths of your own self in order to help your Ancestors heal. Be ready for a life-changing experience.
In Shamanism, this falls under the categories of Psychopomp, Extraction, and Soul Retrieval and are key skills in healing work.

Healing the Ancestors
On the first weekend we will work with the Ancestors. Ancestors want their stories known. They want their descendants to know of their struggles and what happened to them. Some are happy and some are unhappy. Some have stayed with one of their descendants. When they do, they bring along "unplanned issues." They want to move on and they want you to help them! They want you to hear their story and resolve any conflict that has kept them with the living.

...and the Others
On the second weekend we will work with everyone who isn't an ancestor. The skills are similar with some added twists and needing a great amount of compassion.

Program Outline
**There will be a 2 hour group call on the Thursday or Friday evening prior to the workshop as part of the workshop so we can get right to work on Saturday.
Weekend 1 - Freeing the Ancestors
Day 1
Opening sacred space
Understanding the premise of working with the Ancestors and Others
how to identify them
how they attach to family members
how to talk to both the unhappy and happy ancestors
assessing what their needs are and how to resolve them
how to help them "cross over" into the Light
Soul Retrieval - Understanding soul fragmentation, what it is, how it happens and how to heal it
Guided meditation to access Ancestors
Demonstrations with class attendees
Group discussion
Closing Sacred Space
Day 2
Open sacred space
Thoughts and sharing from previous day
Further discussion of techniques and objectives with regard to working with Ancestors
Demonstrations with Class Attendees
Pair Work
Group Discussion
Closing Sacred Space
Weekend 2
Day 3
Open Sacred Space
Thoughts and Sharing from previous week
Understanding the premise of working with non-Ancestral influences
Learning to identify non-ancestral influences
Scanning the body to identify
Demonstrations with class attendees
Pair work
Group discussion
Closing Sacred Space
Day 4
Open Sacred Space
Thoughts and sharing from previous day
Further discussion of techniques and objectives
Pair Work
Closing Sacred Space

Preparing for the Class
Basic Shamanic Journeying is highly recommended, but not required, because it gives you a foundation as to the nature of the soul's ability to travel between the worlds and what those worlds are. It also grounds you and gives you a container within which to do this work safely. It also In addition journeying teaches you how to safely access happy and healthy spirit guides and helpers.
Create a rough Family Tree
Prior to the class, find out a bit about your own ancestors and prepare a rough family tree with parents, grand parents, aunts, uncles, siblings, great grandparents.
We'll be discussing what to do with this family tree on the Group Call prior to the workshop. We'll be marking this up so use a good size paper (11x14 or larger) so you will have room to write next to each name.
The Altar:
You can bring any items you'd like to add to our Ancestral Altar, photos, keepsakes, jewelry, any such items that may have come down through the family line.

Class Fees
The fee for both weekends is $ 850
This includes:
4 Full Days of Workshops
4 follow up group calls to discuss techniques and feedback on resolving practice sessions.
The class will be limited to 6 people.
If you are only interested in the first weekend, the Healing the Ancestors you may sign up for the first part only if space is available. Priority will go to those wanting to take the full workshop.

Follow up Practice with
Group Calls and Practice Days
Group Calls:
A lot of our learning comes from practice once you learn the basics. You'll learn what works and what doesn't, how to keep your balance and stay grounded.
Discussing techniques helps everyone learn how to approach different types of situations, which are vast and varied and require experience, intuition, compassion, strength of character, balance, and knowledge.
4 Group calls are included in the class fee.
Supervised Practice Days and Mentoring
Because this work requires a high level of skill and experience prior to working with clients, supervised practice days or weekends will be offered as desired by the class.
Attendance is optional but highly encouraged if you are wanting to successfully offer this to clients.
Students are also encouraged to work with each other outside of class if they can arrange it.
In addition, private mentoring is also available.
If the group or part of the group is interested, we can organize an additional one or two day Workshop to help integrate the material.